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Stripe Testing

This guide walks you through the process of setting up Stripe webhooks for your project. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth integration.

Setting Up Stripe Webhooks

Modify your webhook under the path /app/api/webhooks/stripe/route.ts and configure actions for certain events – like updating the DB or sending emails. Stripe has so many events that you can listen to, you can find the full list here.

The most common events are

  • checkout.session.completed
  • customer.subscription.updated.


  • Ensure you have the Stripe CLI installed on your machine. Installation instructions can be found here.

Testing Webhooks

  1. Authenticate with Stripe CLI

    Open a terminal and log in to your Stripe account:

    Terminal window
    stripe login

    Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the authentication process.

  2. Start Listening to Events

    In a new terminal window, initiate listening to Stripe events:

    Terminal window
    pnpm stripe:listen

    This command starts the Stripe CLI and listens for incoming webhook events.

  3. Trigger Test Events

    To simulate a successful payment event, run:

    Terminal window
    stripe trigger payment_intent.succeeded

    Upon triggering, you should observe log messages indicating the receipt of webhook events, similar to:

    Terminal window
    2024-05-28 09:31:09 --> invoice.paid [evt_1OEpMPILOQf67J5TjrUgRpk4]
    2024-05-28 09:31:09 <-- [200] POST http://localhost:3001/stripe-webhook [evt_1OEpMPILOQf67J5TjrUgRpk4]

Common Errors

  • Environment Variables Not Set: Ensure all required environment variables are correctly configured.
  • Incorrect price_id: Verify the price_id used in your requests matches one from your Stripe dashboard.
  • Missing success_url and cancel_url: These URLs are essential for redirecting users upon transaction completion or cancellation.

Best practices for using webhooks

  • Handle duplicate events
  • Only listen to event types your integration requires
  • Handle events asynchrounously
  • Verify events are sent from Stripe

For more detailed best practices, visit Stripe webhooks.