IndieStarter Docs

Testing Stripe

Learn how to test your webhooks locally with Stripe CLI.

This guide walks you through the process of setting up Stripe webhooks for your project. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth integration.

If you are new to Stripe webhooks, read the following guide from Stripe.

Setting Up Stripe Webhooks

Modify your webhook under the path /app/api/webhooks/stripe/route.ts and configure actions for certain events – like updating the DB or sending emails. Stripe has so many events that you can listen to, you can find the full list here.

The most common events are

  • checkout.session.completed
  • customer.subscription.updated.


  • Ensure you have the Stripe CLI installed on your machine. Installation instructions can be found here.

Testing Webhooks

  1. Authenticate with Stripe CLI

    Open a terminal and log in to your Stripe account:

    stripe login

    Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the authentication process.

  2. Start Listening to Events

    In a new terminal window, initiate listening to Stripe events:

    pnpm stripe:listen

    This command starts the Stripe CLI and listens for incoming webhook events.

  3. Trigger Test Events

    To simulate a successful payment event, run:

    stripe trigger payment_intent.succeeded

    Upon triggering, you should observe log messages indicating the receipt of webhook events, similar to:

    2024-05-28 09:31:09   --> invoice.paid [evt_1OEpMPILOQf67J5TjrUgRpk4]
    2024-05-28 09:31:09  <--  [200] POST http://localhost:3001/stripe-webhook [evt_1OEpMPILOQf67J5TjrUgRpk4]

Common Errors

  • Environment Variables Not Set: Ensure all required environment variables are correctly configured.
  • Incorrect price_id: Verify the price_id used in your requests matches one from your Stripe dashboard.
  • Missing success_url and cancel_url: These URLs are essential for redirecting users upon transaction completion or cancellation.

Best practices for using webhooks

  • Handle duplicate events
  • Only listen to event types your integration requires
  • Handle events asynchrounously
  • Verify events are sent from Stripe

For more detailed best practices, visit Stripe webhooks.

Enhance your development experience with the Stripe Extension for Visual Studio Code. This tool allows you to build, test, and manage Stripe integrations directly within your editor.

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